Sunday School

Sunday School, by Bo Bhurnham Chords: A D E G (no barre chords needed) You only need to use your pinky and ring finger when playing the G chord, since you don't ever play the low E string or the A string. Plucking: All you need to do is pluck the D string (4th string) with your thumb then pluck the last three strings with your index, middle, and ring finger to each of the chords throughout the whole song. You might want to look up the song just to get the rhythm down. This is the URL to the video I looked at to write this tab. You can see the chords and the pluck-pattern in this video. Have fun. Intro: A D A E x2 A D A E A D Did you know that Jesus died on the cross A E A D A E Just to keep you from masturbating A D A E A D And did you know that prior to nineteen sixty A E A D A E A D A E he frowned on interracial dating. G D A E Well my name is Bobby Johnson G D A E and I teach about Gods loving wrath G D A E And though I try to live by the bible and what it says Gx4 Ax3 I think I might have stumbled from the path G A Dx2 Because I'm gay for Jesus G A Dx2 creator of all good G A Dx2 He's a charitable carpenter G A Dx2 that's why hes given me wood G A Dx2 Im gay for Jesus G A Dx2 let the people rejoice G A D But its not about lust, I don't wanna to nail him G A Dx2 that was a poor word choice A D A E A D Did you know that Satan wears a cape A E A D A E A D A E made out of a rainbow flag A D A E A D And did you know that Jesus hates abortions A E A D A E A D A E unless the kid was a ff...... Jew! G D A E Well I try to live by the bible G D A E but it tells me that my thoughts aren't right. G D A E But those particular pages might be stuck together Gx4 Ax3 from the little bit of sinning I did last night G A Dx2 Because they told me to love Jesus G A Dx2 I chose an alternative route G A Dx2 Well I so sad when he was in that cave G A Dx2 but I was thrilled when he came out G A Dx2 Well Im gay for Jesus G A Dx2 fill me with your grace G A Dx2 I said pour your love all over me G A D A D (last 3 chords go quick) but please aim away from my face.